Both Down Episode 131 – Orclahoma Weekend X The Podcast

Both Down Episode 131 – Orclahoma Weekend X The Podcast – Orclahoma Weekend has come and gone, but we are here to fill you in with all the details of the event. We talk about Friday Night and Orclahoma Bowl on Saturday. We then cover Sunday’s tournament the Spiky Cup. We hit some Shout-Outs for you, and with all that done we are going to try and get some rest. Thank you all for making Orclahoma Weekend and this Podcast such an amazing thing.

Episode Breakdown by time:

    • Friday Night/Saturday Orclahoma Bowl 10 Recap & Results – 11:30
    • Sunday Spiky Cup 10 Recap & Results – 42:05
    • Shout Outs! – 1:11:05

Links to stuff mentioned in Episode 131:

Definitely let us know what you think at either twitter (@BothDown) or by email at

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Both Down Episode 128 – Merry Christmas Baby

Both Down Episode 128 – Merry Christmas Baby – Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone out there. In this show we talk about the Orcidas Open, our matches, the prizes, the raffles and all the money we donated to the Bryan Mitchell Go Fund Me campaign. As always we have some Shout-Outs too, even if your name is on the naughty list come join us for some holiday fun!

Episode Breakdown by time:

    • Orcidas Open – 5:25
    • First Solo Ran Event – 43:11
    • Shout Outs! – 1:05:43

Links to stuff mentioned in Episode 128:

Definitely let us know what you think at either twitter (@BothDown) or by email at

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Both Down Episode 127 – DUNGEON BOWL!

Both Down Episode 127 – DUNGEON BOWL! – Hello and Welcome to Both Down today we talk all about Dungeon Ball. We talk about what is inside, we talk about how it plays, we talk about our thought about the game and if you need it! We also have Shout-Outs and a review of a great product from Win Milled games! Come join us for some exciting fun!

Episode Breakdown by time:

    • Dungeon Bowl: What is in the box? – 10:20
    • Dungeon Bowl: How does it play? – 40:35
    • Dungeon Bowl: Final Thoughts? – 1:33:33
    • Shout Outs! – 1:47:12

Links to stuff mentioned in Episode 127:

Definitely let us know what you think at either twitter (@BothDown) or by email at

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Both Down #126 – Devoted to You (f/ Orcidas Open)

Both Down Episode 126 – Devoted to You (f/ Orcidas Open) – Here we go talking about a live and in person Blood Bowl tournament! We will talk all about the Orcidas Open charity event, the rules, the schedule and what/who we are raising money for. Plus we will catch you up on marching band life and Steve’s new job. Thank you for being a wonderful and loyal listener, enjoy the show!

Episode Breakdown by time:

    • Orcidas Open – 19:31
    • Shout Outs! – 53:12

Links to stuff mentioned in Episode 126:

Definitely let us know what you think at either twitter (@BothDown) or by email at

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Both Down #101 – Solid as a Rock (Orclahoma Primer)

Both Down Episode 101 – Solid as a Rock (Orclahoma Primer) – Episode 101 how cool is that? This episode is all one take and mostly about Orclahoma Weekend, what we have been doing and the winner of the contest! Of course we also have Shout Outs! Truthfully we are just very happy to get together and hang out with each other and you! Hope you enjoy!

Episode Breakdown by time:

  • Shout Outs! – 41:41

Links to stuff mentioned in Episode 100:

Definitely let us know what you think at either twitter (@BothDown) or by email at

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Both Down #94 – Dancing with a Stranger

Both Down Episode 94 – Dancing with a Stranger – We discuss all the new Wood Elf products just released, including the Spike Magazine. We then talk about Mystery Bowl and the COBBL. The third segment is a mystery segment that only Steve knows about. Then we have Shout-Outs like we do every exciting episode. Now grab yourself a nice cold Bugman’s Best XXXXXXXXXX while treating your ears to some amazing Blood Bowl noise!

Episode Breakdown by time:

  • New Product from GW – 20:52
  • Mystery Bowl and COBBL – 1:25:45
  • Steve’s Mystery Segment – 2:01:00
  • Shout Outs! – 2:28:16

Links to stuff mentioned in Episode 94:

Definitely let us know what you think at either twitter (@BothDown) or by email at

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Both Down – Orclahoma Weekend Primer 2019

Both Down – Orclahoma Weekend Primer 2019 – Are you coming to Orclahoma Bowl and Spiky Cup on March 16th and 17th? You better make your plans now to get signed up! This episode is all about Orclahoma Bowl Weekend plus Shout-Outs. Enjoy, then go sign up!

Episode Breakdown by time:

  • Orclahoma Bowl 8 – 10:18
  • Spiky Cup 8 – 57:45
  • Shout Outs! – 1:26:50

Links to stuff mentioned in Orclahoma Weekend Primer Episode:

Definitely let us know what you think at either twitter (@BothDown) or by email at

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